From: Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 14:08:21 +0000 Subject: embroidery unit carry all holder project help, please? Mary; I gave the directions off the top of my head so IÕll try to do it again with a little more order. EMBROIDERY UNIT CARRYING CASE Take the styrofoam out of the box and close up the ends with tape and cut the box in half so that you have a top and bottom that each styrofoam piece will fit perfectly into. Then take the two halves and open each of the ends and sides so that you have two flat pieces of cardboard. Next cut two pieces of fabric about 3Ó larger on all four sides than the cardboard pieces. Iron Transweb onto the back of each fabric piece making your fabric pieces big iron-on patches. I used Transweb because itÕs not as heavy and bulky as Wonder Under and you want less bulk when you start folding the ends of the cardboard back into shape. Lay your fabric pieces onto the OUTSIDE of your box pieces. Carefully center them and using a hot iron starting in the center and working toward the sides of the cardboard, iron your fabric pieces onto the cardboard. Move your iron slowly outward to eliminate any bubbles. If you end up with any small air bubbles you can pierce the fabric with a pin and then iron it down. Once that much it done, let it cool a few minutes. Turn your cardboard pieces over and turn the fabric edges to the inside of the cardboard ON THE LONG SIDES ONLY. Iron them in place pulling them fairly taut. DONÕT iron the end pieces of the box or the section of fabric that overhangs the ends. When this has cooled, following the crease lines in the cardboard begin folding your pieces back to the shape of the box. At this point do a practice run at folding the ends up so that the tabs are inside the end piece and you can see where you need to slit the fabric so that you can wrap it around the end piece and glue it to the inside of the end piece.Put a good tacky glue on the OUTSIDE of the end tabs (the glue goes onto the fabric),fold them in and then fold up the end piece of the box. Use several pieces of masking tape to hold the box in itÕs shape until the glue dries. The last thing you will do is fold the overhanging end of fabric to the inside of the box and glue it in place so that all the cut edges of box is covered with fabric. Once the box is completely dried push in your styrofoam pieces. It will be a real snug fit. I put some glue on the bottoms of the styrofoam before I put them in. Put the cover on the box so that the styrofoam is meeting in the proper places and iron another piece of fabric to the back to form a hinge. My piece was 5"x16". I used the same webbing for handles as is used on gym bags. I used 86Ó of webbing and made a circle and overlapped it about an inch and stitched it together. Then lay it out on a table in the shape of a oval like this ......... _________ box>>>| | _________|_________|__________ / | | \ / | | \ strap>>> | | | | \ | | / \_________|_________|__________/ | | |_________| Wrap it around like a gym bag making sure your loops are even and glue it in place. For a closure on the front you can use velcro or in my case I used black webbing and a black frog closure. I hope these instructions are helpful. ---------------- Gail Ford ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ Subject: Re: PFAFF: Re: Fantasy Unit Carrier pattern? Date: Mon, 31 Mar 97 00:00:53 +0000 From: Reply-To: To: Debbie, At Walmart, Michaelsand Franks (craft stores) there are plastic totes by Eagle. They are trouqouis and purpleÑ. Round off the orginal foam from the creative designer and push it down into the toteÑthen can carry the designer in its own form foam and it is well protected in transport and at home. June in Fla. ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ-