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Back to Paula Milner's home page

  • On Thursday I am adopting Joey - a completely adorable doxie who happens to be paralyzed. He's got a cart and that's about it so I have been spending the week trying to gather all the info I can to make his arrival as easy as possible. I've got a male wrap and pads and a microfiber waterproof thing to put down when he sleeps, a couple beds, cottenelle wipes, etc. etc. etc. but the best thing I've gotten is the great information you've provided on your website. Your site is a godsend. Roxanna.
  • Well, Amy and Paula, Merlina's butt thanks you, and my mom's carpet thanks you even more! So, this diaper diagram really saved us. I had NO CLUE how to get it to stay on her without a baby Onesie (which she HATES) and this just works like a charm. Specially since you cut the whole thing so you don't have to manipulate the tail through a hole (which she HATES too). Wonderful idea!!! Works PERFECT!!! A life saver! THANKS!!! Guadalupe Rivera & not-so-wet Merlina
  • What a terrific [IVDD] website and resource!  I'm thrilled to find something so comprehensive and hopeful to give to people. Kristin Leydig Bryant www.dreamdachsierescue.org
  • Thank you so much for sharing your diaper [bumPad] design.  I shall be trying to duplicate it for my little 9 lb. daschie (name is Skooter).  I have tried so many different designs but had come up with nothing as nice as yours.  Thanks so much for sharing. Sueann P.
  • I have to say that Dodgerlist is the very best thing on my laptop!! With 2 little girls struggling to "find their feet," - it has been wonderful. Your video of your magnificant boy, Clark, has been amazing help Paula. Very best of luck, and best wishes [from the Borders of Scotland] to you all. - Val (Lottie, Lucy, Spark, Suli, Tansy and Dash x and my super Jody Mudd)
  • Thank You! I'm a Bernina DECO/Customizer/Wizard Owner but so much of the information you have on your web site is applicable. Again, Thank You! Carol A. Bell" cabell@flash.net
  • I just found your Pfaff FAQ, and I am green with envy. I own a Viking 1+, and we do not have anything that is this well organized, or professional, even at the corporate level. Thanks for setting such a wonderful example for those of us that are just starting to write web pages.Cindy Chesler in Tampa cindrela@hotmail.com
  • My name is Heidi. I am 13 years old just yesterday [8/4]! I am a 9 lb black and tan mini doxie. I live in Ohio with my mom Kathleen. I also love to burrow under stuff; I remember one time my mom had to help me escape from the sleeve of a sweatshirt (pretty much my most favorite place to take an afternoon nap is in the dirty laundry pile!); it was a wonderful spot to snooze in, but after napping, I snuck my head out of the wrist part of the long sleeve, and I couldn't get the rest of myself out! Mom mentioned that she wondered if you were her twin, because she also uses a Macintosh, loves and has a Pfaff sewing machine, and usually takes several skiing vacations a year! Mom and I thoroughly enjoyed all the pictures, projects and links to other websites. Thanks so much! (you can email me back thru my mom at KLEEN@aol.com
  • "We are a couple of dachshunds lovers so we were really touched by your web page. We live in Mexico City and we have a beautiful two years old dachshund named Raissa, who also loves her blanket, it's very possesive and has a one million dollars look. We use to design some special clothes for our beloved "little baby" particulary for the winter season. The last year we designed a wonderful "Rudolph"desguise for Christmas time and we aere thinking in something "spectaculare" for this year's holidays."Ruben Carrillo & Dora Lara, Mexico City, Mexico jrcarri@orvinet.com.mx
  • "I have been to your site quite often. It really great. :-) Keep It Up"Sandeep Kedia, President, KEDIA INTERNATIONAL B-5, MAGNUM II, KaramPura, New Delhi skedia@giascl01.vsnl.net.in
  • "Enjoyed looking at your pages. I found them through Alta Vista. I was attracted by the combination of your name and dachshunds. I am also a Paula who is fond of dachshunds. My daughter and I have started a dachshund scrapbook since we adopted Shakespeare, our ten-month old long-haired dachshund. Just wanted to say hi and that I like your photos of Mac and Tosh at the beach. "Beach!" is our dog's favorite word!" Paula Tripodi The Tripodi World of Comics & Cards
  • "I found your page last January while looking for sewing related items. It was a shock to find dachshunds mentioned, as mine had been lost for 2 and a half mos. by then. Mary was lost in the Seattle area with tags so there was not much hope of ever finding my baby again. I had done extensive searching over there via posters and many newspaper ads. Finally, after almost giving up, decided to advertise again. People began calling saying they had seen ad for dog like mine--it turned out paper had printed wrong phone number. Finally, I asked lady at newspaper (named Mary too) to write to person with dog. By then free ad had expired. They called me but they had already given away dog. I was sure it was mine and I was ready to drive 6 hours from Idaho to Seattle to get her through snow storms. The lady who had had her got her back from the lady she had given her to and over I went. It was my Mary!!! It was seeing your website that gave me the sign I needed that I was going to get Mary back. So, thank you so much. I continue to visit and love the patterns and your dogs." Sally Klein." mklein@lewiston.com
  • "We were in Florida last Sept. around Tampa & had the greatest desire to call you & say "Hello" from Calif. You have the greatest site." Jan Evans cedar@telis.org in the redwoods
  • "Loved your home page. It is Pfantastic. Pfound it through the Pfaffies on the digest. I also am a Paula married to a Bill, have two dogs, not Dachsies, a newfie and a pyranies. And I have to live in Michigan, not sunny Florida. Anyway, I am new to the whole computer scene and can't wait to get the program for the computer for my 1475. Thanks a ton for your wonderful page and fun!!!" Paula Stuart pstuart@alpha.shianet.org
  • I loved your home page of Dachshunds. I too have 2 mini dachshunds, Minnie and Max. They had their first day visiting the beach yesterday and loved it. We love to hike and bring our dogs, but they can't walk as far as we can and love to be carried. I would love to have a front carrier made special for the long bodies so they can enjoy all the hiking and outdoor activities we do. ...Your the home page that caught my eye to ask the question because I also have a Pfaff 7570 sewing machine so if you know of an available pattern for a carrier, I would love to know that also. Sue <Ribbitfun@aol.com>



  • "I am new to the PC-Designer software. So far, so good....I am impressed with your web page. Very well laid out and useful. It let me get the information I needed quickly and without chasing around the site or web. Thanks for your work. " Tom Knisely <knisely@ix.netcom.com>

  • "What a lovely and enjoyable Web page. I don't think I have ever seen one finer than that in my year or so on the web. The directions were great, and I want to get upstairs and work on that vest. I found your web address on Bernina Digest. Good Work" Kathleen Beauchot Miles City, Montana
  • "I just read your home page and found the picture of your dachshund doing laundry absolutely adorable! I have an 11 1/2 year old dachshund, Mutzie. She is also very possessive of her blanket. Your dog (Mac?) looks exactly like her, only Mutzie has long hair!" Sherry Burnham"
  • "You have a wonderful Web page. Very nicely done, exciting and pleasing tolook at! I have a Bernina Dealership in Helena MT and am devoted to my Dalmatian and Lab. My DH is a wildlife rehab guy - and we both have a love of animals. So it sounds like we both love sewing and dogs....just different brands and breeds!" Sue in Montana Sue's Sewing Palace Bernina
  • "What a wonderful page you have put together! One of the best I've seen, due to its organization and usefulness. THanks for all your efforts. Keep up the good work." Ellen Weiger Korb
  • "I love coming to your page. The information is endless, and I can be assured that I will always find what I need. Thanks for supplying it for all us Pfaffies! ps: mac n tosh always delightful to see as well! "Susan, in Omaha, w/ 1475, 7570 w/ all goodies
  • "Thank you for all the information you have available on your page. I always thought it was for mac owners only then I happened to ck out your page one more time and found the most valuable information on the pfaff in all different areas. I do appreciate your making all this available for us to read." Thanks, Lynda in Flagstaff, AZ
    • "...your page is great! Its a wonderful place for newbies to visit and learn. Thanks for all your hard work. There are so many who share their knowledge and expertise with the rest of us just for knowing they have helped someone. We do appreciate it!!!" Sue B. in Fl. sule@digital.net
    • "I can't believe the amount of info you have! Thanks so much for all your hard work in compiling this much information. There were a couple of things I must have missed on the Pfaff list and thanks to you I was able to print out and download. Some time ago I did print out your angle chart, covered it with clear contact paper and cut it small enough to tape to my computer. This has come in so handy with my digitizing. I recently digitized a dove that looks like it's made up of little tiles. Using your angle chart I was able to digitize each little square in at different angles. It took some time but the finished design turned out great!! Thanks again!! If we didn't have people like you I think alot of us would have given up. " Deb Austi austin@sccoast.net
    • "Just wanted to say thanks for a wonderful web page and all the information you have supplied us. I have visited you before and keep coming back for more. Each time you have provided new, interesting, educational, fun, etc items. Thank you very, very much." Sam Overstreet overst@inmind.com
    • "Hi my name is Bruce Murray I live in Sydney Australia.Why I am sending this email is as follows.. I too have a home page featuring Dachshunds they are also called Mac n Tosh but unlike yours they are mini longs. I have enjoyed browsing your fine home pages you must be a very busy lady. " cheers Bruce Murray bmmurray@netspace.net.au
    • "I love the way you have your pages set up! In fact I haven't seen one I like better anywhere. Thank you for having Macpfaffie information for us--I know thatit probably takes alot of your time and I want you to know I appreciate it. "Peggy Wight wight@alaska.net
    • "Just a lurking Pfaffie..... I wanted to just tell you congratulations on your update.. A job well done. It really is nice and so easy to use. Thanks so much." Maggie <Mugseveret@aol.com>
    • "Your homepage is wonderful, and one that I have visited often and reaped much from. Thank you so much." Lovina in Ohio <lovina@foryou.net>
    • "Thanks for your hard work and your wealth of information! Your LACE VEST is too stunning for words! What an incredible concept and idea! I think I might have to play around with the technique, sounds like fun! I have printed out the newest info on digitizing, sure makes it sound easy! <VBG> p.s. I am a "bobbin lacemaker" and really appreciate ANY ideas with lace! "Marie-Elena Baker< sewlace@proidgy.net>
    • " love your web page. It is so useful and well organized too. I have Windows but I do print out every scap of information that applies. It would, be a great place to consentrate all "lesson" or 1,2,3 type letters. Please keep on posting those photos too. I learn a lot from your work and the placement of design that others have used. "Carter Howards <ssh4e@virginia.edu>
    • "Truly enjoyed you web pages, love the pictures. I have 4 doxies, they are wonderful. I know that they would love a blanket just like the ones you've made. I'm wondering if I can make a dog as nice as yours on the blanket... I have a Pfaff 6120, I swear, that baby could sew through anything! Really love it... Tell me if you just free-handed the dog on your quilt, I love it!" Phyllis <pjaco@ionet.net>
    • "Paula, I loved your page!!! It was so adorable. I have a minature dachshund and I love him dearly. They are such great little babies!!! Your photos were great. Loved your lace vest. I am a Bernina person who is also a full-time Special Ed teacher, wife, mother, and am taking care of my 84 year old father who is recovering from a stroke. So I never have enough time to sew!!! However, you and your babies have motivated me to try a little harder!! Give the babies a pat and a little hello from my little JJ. Happy Stitching." Michelle Norris <jnorris@dnet.net>
    • "You have a fantastic site. Mac n Tosh make my heart melt. Thanks for the smiles." John, Valare, and Kyle Beauchamp" <johnval@tcac.com>
    • " I really liked your web site. I'm using my uncle's Macintosh and really like dachshunds. Mac n' Tosh really look like nice dogs." Kelsey Orlando <torlando@earthlink.net>
    • "Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your Home Page diversity! The Big Mountain segment really caught my eye----we "discovered" it on a, vacation driving to Iowa last year and fell in love with the area. We don't ski, but are into snow mobiling" Myrna in Chico (northern)California <SewFunE@aol.com>
    • "found your page from a link, couldn't tell you just now which one. I am so THRILLED to find another Mac Pfaffie person. I have an 8500 and the 7570 and I would love to meet other Mac Pfaffies. Linda Lee Vivian <lindalee@tir.com>
    • "heheheheh Hello just a quick word..just wanted to say i LOVED your home ,page....Mine is still under construction< heck I do not even have my own dauchshund yet....:>> especially the finely crafted comments and little stories[and the little ones are FINE generaters of tales arn't they?]" Kindred <kindred@wildseeds.com>
    • "I, too, have a (just one for now)Dachshund named Maximillian. We call him Max, for short, instead of Mac. I have fallen in love with Dachsies ever since he became part of our family. I also love to sew and garden. I received my degree (a BS in Textiles and Clothing) at the University of California at Davis!" Kim Anderson <txkande@aol.com>
    • "Just want to tell you I think you have a really neat homepage! Tell your DH that the pictures look great as well. I have a viking#1+ and would love to try the technique you used for your lace vest. I am also a member of the viking sewing list and want to post to it for Viking stitch suggestions to use on tulle." -Kathy in Georgia <kbailey@csranet.com>
    • "It was a wonderful thing tonight for me to find your home page. I love the picture of Mac n Tosh. I was a long time Viking user, but am now the proud owner fo a Pfaff 7570. just can believe it, a Mac user, Pfaff 7570 and dogs!!! Right now there are 2 minature schnauzers here in the office Crosswells Thunder Storm CDX "Cloudy" loves to be on my lap which makes typing rather hard, so please excuse the typos and Daree's Mindnight Cloud "Zelda" is laying in a bed next to my feet. The 2 rottweilers Vom Sonnenhause Zephyr "Zephyr" and Vom Sonnenhau Cloud Seeker "Scout" are out around the rest of the house. We also have cats, pygmy goats, a parrot, an iguana, and a minature donkey. " Jill Faulmann @ Clouds & Company in Oregon" <cloudco@earthlink.net>
    • "I finally had a chance to drop by and see what Mac n' Tosh are up to. I love the new pictures you put up, especially the laundry sequence! Those are great; I can't wait to show my wife. Also the picture of Mac asleep under the teckel is very sweet" Elton <epruitt@aristotle.net>
    • "I was just given your page address (on the Viking-L mail list) and stopped by for a visit. I wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Your lace vest is beautiful and I plan on attempting this when time allows. I work on a Viking #1+ so some adapation wil have to be made, but I look forward to the test. I also enjoyed many of your links....very informative. Thanks for the fun and say hi to Mac and Tosh!" Eileen DiGiacomo <EDigiacomo@worldnet.att.net>
    • "My 6 yr. old Dachshund is named Einstein. We live in So. Pasadena Ca. and Einstein is big brother to 7 cats. I enjoyed your pictures--under the blanket is typical." Denise Vieth <catsmeow2@earthlink.net>
    • "I just about jumped out of my chair the second your homepage loaded. Sewing and Dachsies!!!! You must be a long lost cousin! I love sewing *almost* as much as I love my mini-dachsie Napoleon! Your dogs are adorable and I love their names! I work for Apple Computer so I have to admit I am biased. ;-)" Kristen <cayton@bibiana.com>
    • "I haven't checked out many of my bookmarked sites recently...DH's absencesand all...I'm sorry I haven't been by yours because I really missed out!! Your lace vest looked absolutely fabulous! As clear as your project photos are, I really wish I could get a *personal* view of the vest - it's right up my alley - sort a romantic, victorian sort of thing. I just love that sort of stuff." Anna Conrad <mconrad@bunt.com>
    • "My name is Lou-bell and I have a weiner boy called Sigmund Holga Kerven. I had to respond to your home page because it was wonderful to see other people appreciating dachshunds. Sigmunds interests range from chewing the doona to boogie boarding in our pool. What a great discovery!" Lou-bell Brady <matbrady@powerup.com.au>
    • "What a beautiful web page !!! First time I visited though I should have before for some of the Pfaff info. Thanks for the stocking idea !! " Loraine Lee <rainyl19@northwest.com>
    • "I enjoyed your home page so much and your story of Mac and his blanket! I have a sweet mini dachshund name Emmitt. I love him so much. He loves his blanket too. I take him everywhere, he even rides in a basket on my arm when I go shopping. He is so sweet. We have three boy's and Emmitt is great with kids. "Emmitt's MOM - LeeAnn Phillips, Washington <lapro@televar.com>
    • "Enjoyed your web page!! Your pictures were so darling. We also have a dachshund who tore up our kitchen flooring. Thanks for sharing your cute stories. We have a red dachsie named Freckles." Marcia Cornell <cornell@mindspring.com>
    • "I just spent over an hour browsing around your page and your links. I absolutely love your lace vest. I saved the page to file, I hope you do not mind. It looks like a really neat vest to make for the holidays. Best wishes to you, your hubby and the wienners." Happy Pfaffing, Elaine Rieck <erieck@pacbell.net>
    • "Enjoying your page...I'm not only enjoying the sewing sites, but the reference to your extended canine family... they're the BEST, aren't they? We have 8 fur-kids I'm an avid sewer and quilter... combine that with my absolute love of dogs and you can imagine what a hit your page made with ME! Keep up the good work!! Happy sewing and "scooping" ;-) " Georgia McAvoy in Apache Junction, Az. <geo@indirect.com>
    • "I loved your lace vest. Thanks for mentioning it on the Pfaffies list. I also may try your method for lining a vest by machine. In the past, I've used a method where everything is done my machine except for part of thelining's side seams. I've also downloaded a different method from the Wearables list; that one does the sides seams by machine by pulling them through an opening in the bottom of the back." Floris Flam<floris@clark.net >
    • "Superstupendous! Exquisite! Wunderbar! Your latest creation, Paula, is ,the "cat's meow". I am especially grateful for your precise directions. I have been wanting to do creative lace but kept putting it off for lack of a starting point. You have started the juices flowing. Thanks a million for sharing your expertise." Mary Buckwalter (another Floridian but on the East side) <sewfun@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>
    • " I checked out your vest. It looks great. I am going to let my Pfaff Groupies - the ladies and gents I met in Vegas - know about it..." Adeline Brill <Exfire@aol.com>
    • "I really enjoyed you page. Your vest and flying geese information is great. I downloaded that information for myself. "Brenda Jackson in Norfolk, VA <bjrich@norfolk.infi.net>
    • " Oh Paula!!! Mac n 'Tosh are are **wonderful**! And I love your pages. I just popped over and I adore the pic's of (was it Tosh?) helping on laundry day? LMAO Another sewer! I didn't take the time to explore all your sewing pages, but I love to sew too. I marked your pages and when I get dug out from my backlog of e-mail will jump right back over to explore! Hmmmm, noticed that darling doxie blankie...Mega hugs and smooches to Mac n' Tosh from me!" Renee Hamilton & the Girls (Tasha &Chelsea) <HotDogette@mail.viacomcv.hybrid.com> California (San Francisco East Bay)
    • "Well, this is long overdue, but Corinna and Larry and I wanted to drop you a line to let you know how much we all love the Teckel Decke you made for Larry. When we opened it that day, we were stunned at how perfectly the colors complemented Larry's coat, and the cute little dachshund you put on it. It is absolutely beautiful and he LOVES IT!!! We have a couple of good pictures of him curled up with it which when I get a chance to scan I will send to you. It is definitely a hit! "Elton Pruitt <epruitt@aristotle.net>
    • "Wow! I've been sewing since I was a little kid, but I have to admit that my mouth dropped open when I read that you create your own designs with software on the computer and then use them on your sewing machine! Sounds like a whole different world to me! "<lseeger@frodo.okcu.edu>
    • "Very nice Paula. Go ahead!! P.S.: I'm a teckel lover as well. "Javier Carreras <carreras@netscape.com>
    • "I really enjoyed your homepage...I got to it by search the webcrawler for info on sewing. I am thinking of purchasing an electronic machine which allows me to do computerized embroidery...Your page was real sweet! Congratulations." Melanie Azzouz <Melanie_Azzouz@msn.com>
    • "Thank you!! I just made continuous bias strips according to the directions on your page. They worked out wonderfully, and your directions were so easy to follow. Just wanted to say thanks!" Amy Stout <abstout@multipro.com>
    • "Today, the Net G-ds allowed me access to your page :-) It's fabulous! You've got the type of homepage that I love! Stuff with *instructions* and helpful stuff on it. So many pages are just links, and those links lead to even more links, whose links... well, I'm sure you get the picture :-) How did you do those diagrams (the vest ones)? They were so helpful." Rina Abzug <rabzug1@umbc.edu>
    • Like you, I am a weiner dog lover too. I have two of the little buggers, Badger and Goldie. Your winking dachshund is too cool and looks exactly like my male dog Badger. I am just about to start an Internet Provider Service and would be honored if you would allow me to use this winking image on my ISP home page ...Thanx...weiner dogs forever." Perry Blalock <perryb@ashford.com>
    • I used Yahoo to search for "Sewing Room", trying to locate the phone number for an ad in Sew News. Your page looked the most interesting out of the search results, so I checked it out first. I just bought an Elna serger last week. I think the number is 905DCX. It has the double, not the triple cover hem stitch. My four year boy watched the video and showed me how to tilt the needle holder forward and move the needles. I have only had a chance to try the 5 thread, 4 thread and cover hem stitch. I have a New Home 9000 that I bought in November 1995, so I am still experimenting with it." Cathy D. Davis <cdavis@tiger.SGC.PeachNet.EDU>
    • "Cool page. Made me miss my dachshund Cleo. *sniff* The surf was up, the waves were huge, and your page was amongst the many. No really, I found your page via the linkexchange..." Jim Blocker <jblocke@uswest.com>
    • "Loved your page! Love your doxie's names! I have both a Mac and a Gateway PC, but I much prefer a Mac!" April Scott Dachshund Delights Catalog <74002.1656@CompuServe.COM>
    • Hi again, Paula. My daughter, Mara, and I both love the winking dachshund! Very cute. I'm working on html this summer and should have a page together by the beginning of the school year. I'll let you know where to find me!" Janet Chinelli <Janet_Chinelli@mail.nltl.columbia.edu>
    • "I found out about your homepage on the pfaffie list, which I enjoy. I have the 1475, but have had fun designing some for the 7570. Soon I hope to have a home page." Carol <CNCzag@aol.com>
    • "I enjoyed your home page. Of course I read about it from Pfaffies and decided to check it out. I don't have a home page, just beginning to surf. I appreciate your publishing the 7550/1475 conversion chart which I had seen before, just hadn't gotten my hands on it yet!" Anne Tormo <AJTormo@msn.com>
    • "I really like your photos of projects." Anna in Germany <mconrad@snoopy.bunt.com>
    • "I pulled your URL off the Pfaffie list today. I think your presentation ( illustrations and directions) of the reversible vest is wonderful. I will try it soon. I was wondering if you put something under your three layers of stabilizer before free-motion emb'ing the stars on your 4th of July vest-- and did you use a single or double needle? I have been reluctant to try this technique as it uses up so much thread, but I working up the guts. And BTW...do you always keep such a tidy sewing room? WOW!" Kathy Kuykendall <kathyk@kc.grapevine.com>
    • "I'm new to the net, and am really enjoying it. Your page is wonderful. I especially appreciate the 1475 to 7750 chart, I purchased a 1475 right when the 7550 came out. Most instructions I've seen in magazines etc. reference the 7550. Your instructions for continuous bias strips are simple and easy to understand. Thank you so much for the information and a very entertaining page. "Fred and/or Edie Jordan <fejordan@theriver.com>
    • "Lilly says: blaf, blaf, blaf. I was baby-dachshund-sitting at my parents. I took my Mac with me so could work in that time. I used the microphone to capture the barking of one of the six dogs (lilly). The "teckels" (dutch name for dachshund") strongly responded the sample. When I was showing the Internet to my parents, we found your homepage. I send an email with the sample as attachment." Greetings Ronald Punt, Hengelo, The Netherlands <ronald.punt@a1.NL>
    • I just had a few minutes to bump around the internet and decided to see if you had anything new to your page. Couldn't believe you had changed the whole thing! I love it all! Can you answer one question for me? How do you manage to work, raise two wonderful children, sew and keep changing your page? I really loved your new vests and jacket, but I'm afraid not as much as I loved the pictures of the kids." Lana Johnson <mjohnson@imt.net>
    • "Really enjoyed your home page. It is very well done (well. .. we know they are never done)." Shirley Wilson <swilson@pen.k12.va.us>
    • "Please thank Kevin for the stitch conversion chart, and thanks to YOU for a job well done. I had recently visited your homepage to see your Independence Day vest. You have revised it (I see today's date on the revision date) and it looks great...Even this "cat person" enjoyed seeing your dachshunds.... and getting him to wink is cute! Keep up the good work!" Brenda in Texas <jegold@sat.net>
    • "We enjoyed visiting your home page. Ms. Bee has a dachsund named Gretchen. Gretchen loves to chase squirrels, she never catches them." Tara Harris <tharris@eatel.net>
    • "Great Page, Paula !!Woke up before the chickens this morning and had nothing else to do but surf and drink coffee. Frankly, I stumbled across your page quite by accident. I don't really remember how." Horton Young <hyoung@sprynet.com>
    • "My Sister loves dachshunds (she has 3) and no computer so I send her print-outs of all interesting pages on the WWW. I must say, your page is the most impressive I have found ! As I said in the subject line, I found Mac n' Tosh with Yahoo under individual dogs and then "went back" to this page. Your Teckel Decke page is wonderful and you must be a genius to do all those things with your Mac, sewing, ski, garden, have a life and run a home page with a dachshund picture WINKING too !" Douglas Sechrist retired in Phoenix <sechrist@primenet.com>
    • "I just accessed your page and it is beautiful. I loved seeing the things you have done. ...Your sewing room is great. Thanks for sharing your creativity as well as Mac and Tosh even tho' the only time I was bitten by a dog it was a doxie.LOL" Betty Finch <finch-ocala@worldnet.att.net>
    • "I was happy to find your web page and really love all the patterns you showed! In fact, I copied your whole web site!! I wish the blouse was not an original ... I don't think I'm clever enough to design one myself, it is great. " Arlene Semra <Semraa@AOL.com>
    • " I visited your web site and really enjoyed it. You have done a nice job and Your vest turned out great. It is wonderful, this world of Pfaff, isn't it." Kerrin Brookes, Sechelt, B.C. Canada <kerrin_brookes@sunshine.net>
    • "Paula, thank you for sharing your techniques for your 4th of July vest. It really looks neat. I have printed out the pictures and directions from your home page. I would like to make one like it, okay? How exciting that your sister-in-law will be carrying the Olypic Torch!" Katherine Ewell <gewell@edge.net >
    • "Paula, your home page and the vests are darling. You did a great job on both, and I like the fact you used the 1475CD to do it, that's what I have. " Your sewing friend , Nancie Coomes <krcoomes@indy.avn.net>
    • "Very nice vests you made Paula! Looks like they were fun to do... Do you happen to have any pictures of your sewing room? Or sewing "area"? Why don't you take some and add them to your web page. I think it's great fun to see where other people do their best work." Regards, Lily Abello <sales@softworld.com>
    • "I got your page address from a post you made on the Pfaff list. I am very impresssed with all the information you shared on your vests. They look like alot of fun to make and wear." Elizabeth Gibson <kunamola@borg.com>
    • "Wow, what a vest and thanks for all the info! Congratulations and have a great 4th! I think that maybe I will get brave and see what I can come up with for the 4th too! Maybe a good time to use the frame emb. /fantasy card, eh? thanks for the inspirational!" Marie-Elena Baker <mbaker@linknet.kitsap.lib.wa.us>
    • "I loved the pictures of your dachshunds. We were lucky enough to get a beautiful little female dachshund puppy 3 weeks ago. Her name is Peanut, and she is adorable. I have had dachshunds my whole life, and there is no other dog in the world!... Thanks for the photos!" Kelly Philippe <ej27539@goodnet.com>
    • "I went out to your home page to see your 4th of July vest. It turned out so great. Your photography shows the details very well. Very crisp. I think your work is just great. I was at a sewing conference here in Utah this week. I was amazed at all the different looks people had come up with using that same 1-button McCalls pattern." Krista Lewis <orchard@qi3.com>
    • "I've browsed through many doxie pages over the past year and have never written back, but yours was thoroughly enjoyable...from the layout to the wonderful pictures AND the names of your dogs are great! I'm also a mac user (also a teacher) and we got a standard smooth-haired sweetie named Sunny just a bit over a year ago." Janet Chinelli <Janet_Chinelli@mail.nltl.columbia.edu>
    • "I love your winking dachsie...You did a great job with the animation! Mac looks just like Wrinkles. Or quite a bit anyway." Sue Schmidt <schmidt@phoenix.net>
    • "You have a very nice page, and I WILL bookmark it!... Keep luvin those Doxies." Ronald Pindor <RSPindor@worldnet.att.net>
    • "I thought yours [page] was really nice. It must have taken a lot of work and a lot of time. Where did you get that CUTE winking dachsie?" Randa Alexander <RandaCat@QConline.com>
    • "I was poking through surf point's list of personal pages to see what people were putting onto web pages. I have been wondering what *useful* things I could contribute if I set up a web page of my own. Most pages seem to be a bunch of links, with no content of their own. You actually have content!" Ed Attfield <attfield@bnr.ca>
    • "Found your page off Winston's Ultimate Dachshund Links page, which I found off Randa Alexander's dachsie back page, which I found the address for because I am on 2 dachsie e-mail lists and Randa posted the address to one of them!!!!! Whew! Mac 'n Tosh are adorable!...Hugs and slurps to Mac 'n Tosh from Meggie!" Leann Hennig <lhennig@saonet.ucla.edu> Culver City, CA
    • "I liked your dog Tasha, I had a miniature pinscher until recently, her name was Katy and 2 yrs old. She was killed by the coyotes that roam around our farm. We also have two australian sheperds named Amy and Red Boy, Red is Amy's son from her first litter. My name is Jessica Tennant, I'm 7 yrs old and in the first grade. My dad is helping me type this since he types much faster. We found your home page searching for topics relating to dogs. Thanks for letting us see your dogs." Jessica <LarryTenna@aol.com>
    • "Good luck with your dogs! I enjoyed your home page. "<Kahartman@aol.com>
    • "Interesting page. I don't ski, and for me the slopes are a LOT closer than they are to you in Florida, but I did have three kids named Lisa, Jonathan [code name of the Mac in pre-production], and Macintosh -- but they were Abyssinian cats that I bred, not dachshunds." Kathryn Daugherty <kd9@netcom.netcom.com>
    • "I enjoyed your pages tremendously...I subscribe to the Burda magazine and have fun encouraging others to try their patterns. So many people seem to be afraid of using them and yet they are wonderful. Thanks for the Sewing projects." Pat Brown
    • "Great names Mac n' Tosh. Loved the story of the carpet." Silja Linko-Lindh, Helsinki, Finland, Europe <silja.linko-lindh@apu.fi>
    • "Just checked out your homepage, looks great. You have done a lot of work on it and it is obvious. Proud to know you." Dianne Gleaton <DianneGL@aol.com>
    • "I saw your post in The Pages. Love your home page...thanks again for the cont. bias tip" Aloha Bill (William D Siegman) <wsiegman@kestrok.com>
    • "Enjoyed your home page, particularly the diagrams of the "Geese" I will keep a copy of this so that I will know how to do them in the future. Thanks. Will visit again when I have time to take advantage of some of your links." Susan Stephenson <sstephenso@space.honeywell.com>
    • "I took a look at your new outfit on your home page and really liked it I have always loved the edge you put on it. And the photos turned out great." Lana Johnson <mjohnson@imt.net>
    • "A very "personal" personal page. Nice." Annette Schofield, President/Founder, LivingSoft, <lvngsft@psln.com>

    • "In fact, we liked it enough to make it Seven Wonders' Wonder for Sunday, April 21st, 1996. I think what caught my eye first of all were the names of the dogs. Plus, my neighbor across the street had a dachsund when I was growing up, and I've always liked them. Sewing, well it's not my interest, but it is for lots of people, so it strengthened the site for selection. Plus, although your site is relatively simple in layout, it still looks good." Wayne Kessler, Seven Wonders
    • "I found you at the seven wonders site. congrats. Nice picture of the dogs!" Don Hartlieb <zephyr2@oeonline.com>
    • "I enjoyed it very much thank you! Keep telling us about it when you put up new photos. I'll keep jumping over there to see what's new. :)" Patti Porter <pdporter@one.net> or <j.porter@genie.com>
    • "Great Job!...Just love everything you have done! Everything looks great and you photographed it so well. Thanks for making a page." Bev Robinson <brobinson@mashell.com>
    • "It was so interesting to visit and see your creative work. WOW! Are you ever one talented young lady! Thanks for sharing your work and your life with us--we loved it." Nancy Schaeffer <rschaef@wana.tdsnet.com>
    • "Nice home page." Chuck Hutinger <chuting@grouper.pasco.k12.fl.us>
    • "I just wanted to tell you what a delight your homepage is. Your work is just scrumptious!" Nancy Witom <thimble@interaccess.com>
    • "I certainly enjoyed visiting your home page. Keep up the good work!!!" Craig Coile <ccoile@grouper.pasco.k12.fl.us>
    • "Thank you -very much- for the flying geese info I think it would be good for me to take a break from learning the new computer stuff. Again, thanks a million, loved your site." Casey (Mrs David) Mohr <mohr@westvirginia.com>
    • "Love your web page! The graphics are super...." Mary Beth Renze <marybeth@fyi.net>
    • "I had no idea Mac n' Tosh were dachsies!!! They are ADORABLE! I'll bookmark your page and check back to see if you have new pictures up." Elton Pruitt, Larry's dad <epruitt@aristotle.net>
    • "You have done a nice job on your homepage." Rick Koop <rkoop@grouper.pasco.k12.fl.us>
    • "The photo "Two Dreamers" is great. Sleeping dogs convey total serenity. Thanks for the nice page." Richard Neville - USC Medical School <rneville@hsc.usc.edu>